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Make A Wish Foundation

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1Make A Wish Foundation Empty Make A Wish Foundation Mon Nov 16, 2009 10:15 pm

kikora scherzinger

kikora scherzinger

Make A Wish Foundation 377995165

Hey There!

Aliff recently made a girl, Syara, dreams come true by coming down and suprising her on her birthday! For a write up of this event please visit:

Syara’s Disney Princess Birthday
Like a true fairytale Princess Syara loves helping out around at home and always has a warm cheerful
smile for everyone. So it’s no surprise that Syara just loves Disney Princesses and for her special
wish, she longed to be a Disney Princess at her very own princess party.

With Make-A-Wish,
nothing’s impossible so wish granters Juli and Pei Leng set about making her wish come true. With a
bippy boppity boo, the wish granters transformed a function room at Suntec City into a fantasy Disney
kingdom. Princess Syara and her twin sister Syura entered to a thunderous ovation from their guests.

Dressed in princess gowns, complete with long, flowing tresses, the girls looked prettier than any
Disney princess. .And with all fairy tales, there has to be a handsome prince. At Syara and Syura’s
party, the handsome prince was none other than Aliff Aziz, Syara’s favourite singer. Syara was
thrilled beyond belief.

Syara told her mommy after the party… “I am so happy because my wish for long hair and become
Disney Princess come true!”

♥️ Wish granters : Julianatasha, Pei Leng
♥️ Wish Adopter : Poonam and Haresh

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